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Okay, So I Posted, Dammit -- Can I Go Back to 'Grow' Now?

Wow, that kicked ass, everybody!

A week's worth of comments, and a bathtubful of giggles -- that tears it. I'm making 'Punchline Fever!' a weekly feature! I've devoted a whole page to the endeavor, and there's a link over there on the left. Every Friday, the new 'Fever', with all of your rib-tickling contributions, will go up in the same space. It'll be a hoot. Really.

In the meantime, for those of you who missed this week's post, go have a read and leave a punchline of your own. Or two. Or a recipe, whatever you like. Nobody's keeping score here.

Anyway, that was fun. Now let's move on to other topics. First, I'd like to warn you that Natalie is a dangerous, dangerous woman. Not because of her womanly wiles, or any pointy objects that she might have handy at the moment (though those are certainly potential dangers, as well), but because she recently posted a link to this. And now I'm playing the goddamned thing. I'm intrigued, I'm fascinated, I'm mesmerized. And I haven't beaten the ass-farting thing yet, so I almost didn't post tonight. Dammit, Natalie, don't do this shit to us!

By the way, and speaking of Natalies, this one has decided, most graciously, to mind my business for a while. So please, go show her some love, and let her know that I have, in fact, managed to almost pull my shit together.

(Yes, yes, I know it's not true. And you know it's not true. But maybe she hasn't realized, and I think it would put her mind at ease while she's minding my business. I don't want her to think she's bitten off more 'bidness' than she can chew, now, do I?

No, no I don't. Nor do I want to think about that last sentence in any context for very long at all. It's creepy, sort of. Moving on.)

In other news, I also managed to tear myself away from that infernal damned game to watch a couple of episodes of South Park, which is when it struck me -- since I really started watching 'da Park', I think one of my friends hates me. At least, he should. His name is Tim, and if you've watched the show yourself, then you likely know where this is going. I used to be able to run into Tim and say, 'Hi, Tim', or 'What's shaking, Tim?', or perhaps, 'Well, if it isn't Tim Dandy!'

(Yeah, he's pretty much always hated me for that last one. I can't help it if I'm an assbag. I blame my parents. Or the public school system. Or global warming, or something. It can't be my fault, surely.)

In any event, I don't use all of those greetings with Tim these days. Now, after a couple of dozen episodes of South Park, only one thing comes out of my mouth when I see my friend Tim:

'Timmy! Timmah! Timmy-timmy-timmah-tim! TIMMAH!!'

And then, of course, the glaring (from Tim), and the heaving, uncontrollable tittering (from me). It's no wonder I don't see Tim much any more. I'm surprised he hasn't kicked my ass yet. 'TIMMAH!!' Hee. That kills me.

Now I just need to find a friend named 'Butters'. Then I'll be able to do some world-class annoying! Rock on!

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I liked the stuff you said about the other natalie better than what you said about me, so I'm just going to pretend I'm the natalie you meant. Sound okay to you? Good. As long as we're clear.

damnit charlie, i can get everything to max level except that freaking robot cube... did you figure it out yet?

Have I passed the expiration date of this post? Is it too late to comment?

Just in case I still can, here I go:

Hahahahahahahahaha. Sucker. :-P

P.S. That Natalie is always trying to steal my thunder. First it's my get well wishes and now she wants my dangerousness (or is it derangedness)?

P.P.S. I hope you'll forgive my lateness, I've been in a bit of a funk and haven't wanted to laugh much so I had to avoid your site at all costs.

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